Speaker Details

Gerasimos Michalitsis

Gerasimos Michalitsis has by now accumulated close to 30 years of experience by holding several positions in well-established firms of the Information and Communications Technology sector. 

His career initiated as an R&D engineer building Digital Communication access systems and has evolved to leading positions in the Technical Marketing for Solutions and Services related with Digitalization. Always keen on the latest business-driving modernization tech-trends, he is closely exploring the innovation scene, and especially when related with Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Networks, Big Data, Blockchain and IoT.

He is now positioned as the Chief Technology Officer of Netcompany-Intrasoft, looking to keep aligned the Technological strategy and execution with the key business objectives in the nowadays fast changing tech scene.

Will AI replace All coders?
Quickie (INTERMEDIATE level)

Will AI eliminate the need for human programmers altogether later this decade? Or, perhaps, rather than eliminate coders, will generative AI allow any and all of us to become coders?


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